YEARS IN TRADE Years in the trade 40 Years.
YEARS WITH L.G.S. 7 Very high quality years.
CURRENT POSITION On site project manager and foreman.
Mr. Naverette: Comes from a family of plasters. He is a third generation plaster who started his career in the plastering industry in 1974 as a laborer for a plastering crew. Thru the years Jay has worked his way up learning all aspects of the stucco business, achieving Journey man ship in all levels of Lath and plaster. Jay is highly skilled in Lathing Plastering, Sand & cement stucco, Acrylic stucco, Architectural foam, Jay Has managed Large and small projects for Lemon Grove Stucco as an onsite project manager and foreman. Jay and the owner of lemon Grove Stucco were apprentices together some 40 years ago and share a long time friendship. Jays Current Position at Lemon Grove Stucco is on site Project manager and foreman. It is a pleasure having Mr. Naverette as a managing member in Lemon Grove Stucco’s fine stable of craftsmen.