Lemon Grove Stucco Services –
Lemon Grove Stucco Inc. provides top-quality service to our customers by permanently employing eleven of the best journeymen in the industry. As our valued customer, you will always get the very best quality sand blast and re-stucco job. Our craftsmen have many years of service with Lemon Grove Stucco Inc. and are committed to our projects and our company. So you can be assured you are getting Lemon Grove Stucco Inc.’s quality and accountability on all our projects. In this current down economy, we knew there would be good skilled workers out looking for work, so we keep our eyes open for just the right talent to add to our stable. We have continued to improve our already “best in the industry” craftsmen by adding three new employees to our crew. In this difficult economy, we are building for the future.
What is the First Step?
E-mail us at cdavenport@lemongrovestucco.com or give us a call at 619-482-0022. An estimator will come out to inspect your home and answer any questions that you may have. He will provide you with a free written estimate and a professional sales portfolio that has color charts, job procedures, a notice to get ready, and a reference list of 40 completed jobs all within one mile of your home. If you decide to use Lemon Grove Stucco to re-stucco your home, we will set up dates that work for your and our calendar.
For more information on our services click on our underlined services below.
Painting stucco with latex or acrylic paint changes the permeability properties of the stucco system. Everyone has found out through error that painting stucco is not the way to go. If your home has been painted, Lemon Grove Stucco Inc. will sand blast to remove approximately 75-100% of the old paint and deteriorated stucco. This process of removing the existing paint with a high-velocity stream of air, sand, and water is the most important and efficient form of preparation. Unfortunately, there are some contractors that will try to hydro-blast, glue and re-stucco over the existing painted surface. Hydro-blasting, gluing and re-stuccoing is a substandard practice and your stucco will fail.
Traditional stucco is a cement mixture used for exterior finish coat. The cement is combined with water and inert materials such as sand and lime. Walls made of genuine cement sound solid when tapped and will be less likely to suffer damage from a hard blow. Also genuine stucco holds up well in wet conditions. Although, it is porous and will absorb moisture, genuine stucco will dry easily, without damage to the structure. Stucco is not to be watered with your irrigation system or be allowed to stay wet for long periods of time. Lemon Grove Stucco Inc.’s crew will scrape off loose edges that the sand blasting did not remove. Then an acrylic bonder is applied on the walls, cracks are sealed and then the re-stuccoing of your home (following the procedures on your contract as agreed). Our stucco foreman will walk around the job to make sure you are happy with our work. A typical re-stucco is trowel on in one or two coats depending on the type of texture. Finish thickness will vary due to style of texture. Lemon Grove Stucco Inc. will usually sand blast and re-stucco the average house in one to three working days.
Lemon Grove Stucco can transform your home into a dream you have pictured. Architectural foam provides you with a creative medium to add extra depth to your house. Lemon Grove Stucco, Inc. architectural foam shapes give you the opportunity to bring classic excitement to your sand blasted and re-stuccoed home.
Do you have a new construction project or want to change the old wood siding in front of your house? If so, then Lemon Grove Stucco can lath and brown coat, to create a solid base to stucco over greatly changing the appearance of your home.
Acrylic coatings harden and will not soften again under heat. With a non-tacky surface Acrylic stucco products provide a high resistance to the accumulation of dirt, mold and pollutants. Acrylic stucco finishes will look fresh; resist fading, chalking, and yellowing. Acrylic stucco finishes will also help to bridge the hairline and shrinkage cracks that are found in traditional Portland cement plaster construction. Lemon Grove Stucco offers Acrylic stucco as a premium upgrade to our traditional sand blast and re-stucco jobs.